lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

PLANT CLASSIFICATION ( Andamiaje de recepción, por el texto expuesto y los vídeos y de transformación, por la clasificación mostrada. Recursos: texto y vídeos.)

Botanists classify plants into groups that have similar characteristics. 
Plants within a group are more closely related to other members of their own group than to members of another group, just as you are more closely related to your parents and brothers and sisters than you are to families of other students in your class.  
Six major Plant groups are listed here. More about two other groups of organisms, Fungi and Red Algae, can be found by clicking here. 
You can click on each group name to find the characteristics of the group and pictures of some of its members.
In each group there will be links that lead to information about some members of the group that are easily found in most of Utah.  
Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)
  • Dicotyledons 
    • Aceraceae (Maple Family)
    • Asteraceae (Daisy Family)
    • Fabaceae (Pea Family)

  • Monocotyledons
    • Liliaceae (Lily Family)
    • Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)
    • Poaceae (Grass Family)
Gymnosperms (Plants with unenclosed seeds)
  • Conifers 
    • Pinaceae (Pine Family)
    • Cupressaceae (Juniper Family)

  • Ephedra Group
    • Ephedraceae (Mormon Tea Family)
  • Equisetaceae (Horsetail Family)

  • Mosses

  • Liverworts

Green Algae
Trametes (Bracket Fungi)


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